Menù Torre Lapillo

With a breathtaking view and surrounded by nature and Mediterranean scrub, we await you in our restaurant overlooking the sea.

In our location in Torre Lapillo you will be able to taste all the typical seafood dishes while enjoying a unique experience.
Via Torre in Torre Lapillo, Porto Cesareo (LE)

We are waiting for you!


Have you ever tried ‘‘La Sberla?!

Sfogliatella filled with ricotta cheese, chocolate flakes, chopped pistachios and orange peel.

Any beer?

Why don’t Aragonese beer with Fried swordfish sticks with SalsaMì?

Don’t forget!

SalsaMì is the best choice for any fried seafood!

Cover charge € 1

 Information on the presence of substances or products that cause allergies or intolerances is available by contacting the service staff, in accordance with note 5 of the Ministry of Health on the “indications of the presence of allergens in food supplied by the community (EC regulation 1169/2011)”.

 * Products marked with an asterisk may have undergone the freezing or freezing process at the time of fishing as required by the food preservation regulations. Fish products reach our restaurants in cold chains at -20 ° C or + 4 ° C. To be eaten raw, they have all been sanitized in accordance with Reg. (EC) 853/04. III section VIII, chap. 3, letter D, point 1, and subsequent amendments and additions.

€ 6

Mussels peppered



Twisted pasta with seafood

Main Course

€ 10

Fried octopus

Second Dish

Our Location in Lecce

In the setting of one of the most beautiful cities in Italy, considered the "Florence of the South", you can try the unique dishes of the Fish Restaurant Da Mimì.