About us

From a fishermen's meeting point to a refreshment point for everyone!

The place where Da Mimì currently stands was a meeting place for fishermen where they organized days by the sea cooking their catch.


Years of experience

Hence the idea, considering the strong influx of tourists in the summer period, to create a refreshment point open to all. Thus in the summer of 2002 Nonno Mimì was born which, over the years, has become the restaurant, a meeting point, which today it is possible to visit in its new guise.

Founder & CEO

Tradition and Innovation

Da Mimì's is part of the choice to offer revisited and modern traditional recipes with appetizers, first and second courses based on fish and artisanal desserts.


Good food but also wonderful atmosphere! Let yourself be seduced by our splendid locations...

Fast Casual

Come and discover the new frontier of catering.

Eco Friendly

Il materiale che utilizziamo nei nostri ristoranti è 100% Biodegradabile.

Materia Prima

Selection of the best products obtained from our seas directly at the table

What Our Customers Say

Placeat velit, maxime inventore non excepteur exercitation convallis iaculis officiis laoreet posuere deleniti, nostrud, unde excepteur, accumsan egestas, imperdiet molestias.

Feugiat facere fringilla facilisis accumsan dapibus praesent accumsan nobis blandit mollit unde. Voluptas adipisicing lacinia ab facilis officia rhoncus fuga proident vero ipsam mollit urna.

Elon Gated

CEO & Founder

Feugiat facere fringilla facilisis accumsan dapibus praesent accumsan nobis blandit mollit unde. Voluptas adipisicing lacinia ab facilis officia rhoncus fuga proident vero ipsam mollit urna.

James Watt

client, costumer